Being Money to having money

Empowering Self is the way to have Powered Finances:

A Journey to freedom with Being Money To Having Money program by Aarshiya Seyth, owner of CHISPAARSH – Catalyzing change in reference to “how to become money workbook by Garry Douglas” 

In a world driven by financial pressures and responsibilities, it’s no surprise that many individuals find themselves burdened by money woes. The pursuit of financial freedom is a universal aspiration, but often the path to achieving it can seem elusive. *In depth exploration & facilitation with a certified facilitator on “How to Become Money Workbook” – offers practical tools and insights to break free from financial limitations and embrace a life of abundance.*
1. Understanding the Approach:
Facilitator approaches the topic of financial empowerment from a unique perspective. Unlike conventional finance advice & delves deeper into the psychosomatic energetic aspects of money. By digging into ingrained hidden beliefs around lack & changing mindset and relationship with money, one can attract money flows & abundance into the lives.
2. Shifting Mindset
The foundation of the 10+1 day program lies in reshaping your mindset about money. It challenges the limiting beliefs and perceptions that may be holding you back. By addressing these beliefs head-on, you can open up new possibilities and opportunities for financial growth as if by magic.
Yes, the program challenges the all logical approach towards money trappings
3. Practical Exercises:
The course is filled with practical exercises designed to help you explore your relationship with money. These exercises encourage introspection and self-awareness, leading to a deeper understanding of your financial patterns and behaviors. Through this process, you can identify areas for improvement and take concrete steps towards change.
4. Creating Space for Abundance:
One of the key teachings of the program is the concept of creating space for abundance. This involves letting go of the scarcity mindset and adopting an attitude of receiving. As you release feelings of lack, you make room for financial prosperity to flow into your life.
5. Embracing Conscious Choices:
The program encourages you to make conscious choices when it comes to spending and saving. By becoming more mindful of your financial decisions, you can avoid impulsive spending and align your actions with your financial goals.
6. Building a Positive Relationship with Money:
Program emphasizes the importance of nurturing a positive relationship with money. Instead of viewing money as a source of stress,  guiding you towards treating it as a tool for creating a better life. This shift in perspective can reduce anxiety and pave the way for financial well-being.
7. Manifesting Abundance:
Through a combination of mindset shifts, practical exercises, and energetic awareness, the workbook aims to help you manifest greater abundance. By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the vibration of abundance, you can attract more positive financial experiences.
In a world where financial worries often dominate our thoughts, BEING MONEY 2 HAVING MONEY offers a refreshing approach to achieving financial freedom. By addressing the psychological and energetic aspects of money, this 11 days course with call recordings & 2 energetic transmission sessions empowers an individual to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace a life of prosperity. 
As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, you’ll find yourself equipped with practical tools to reshape your financial reality and experience the freedom you’ve always desired.
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