
Access energetic facelift certification

Access bars® foundation® Business

Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification is abot An Energetic Facelift™ Therapy is a body process that reverses ageing appearance and generates similar effects throughout the body.

One day Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification  course includes manual, face chart, international practitioners certificate alongside deep transformation, loads of fun and laughter.

The specialty of an Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification is that it’s often gentler, kinder and easier and leaves a deeper impact on a human body.

It is the most graceful way to rejuvenate face and body too.

Moreover, its also a non-invasive, non-surgical interaction which is often performed using hands transmitting energy.

The Access Energetic Facelift™ is an amazing energetic process which rejuvenates the face and reverses the appearance of aging.

It is a hands-on dynamic energetic process.

While the process is mainly run on the face and chest, it also causes similar effects all over the body.


Workshop Schedule

Morning Session (10:00 AM – 2:00 PM)
Introduction to consciousness of body-life and energetic facelift and its principles Overview of energy processes, including 33 potent energies involved in Access Energetic Facelift demonstrations of basic techniques for energetic face and neck lifting, viewing two different techniques in the video format
 Lunch Break (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM): – 
Participants can bring their lunch, explore nearby eateries, or pay at the venue.
 Afternoon Session (3:00 PM – 5:30 PM):-
hands-on practice for participants with each other under the guidance & facilitation from the facilitator. – 4 sessions of facelift (2 gifting & 2 receiving) for all participants Understanding the connection between emotions and facial-body aging energy advanced techniques for specific areas and addressing individual concerns.  
Tea/Coffee Break (5:30 PM–6:00 PM): –
Q&A and Closing Session:-
Participants can ask questions and share their experiences. – Closing remarks, resources for further learning, and certification details. – Participants would be added to the support group for future queries & clarity required.
After completion of workshop, the individual gets international access  facelift practitioner Certification. Note: The schedule may vary, and breaks are subject to change based on the flow of the class. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and bring a notebook for personal reflections.


Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification Benefits

Access Facelift Class is a transformative workshop focused on Access Consciousness techniques. – Techniques involve gentle touch, energy healing, and processes to rejuvenate and revitalize the face and body.
 – Benefits include a more youthful appearance, reduced stress, increased energy, and a sense of overall well-being. 
– Participants learn hands-on methods to release tension and reverse the effects of aging
. – The class empowers individuals to apply these techniques to themselves and others.
 – Non-invasive approach compared to surgical facelifts, promoting natural beauty and self-care. 
– Suitable for all ages and fitness levels, fostering a holistic approach to beauty and vitality.
 – Participants often report improved skin tone, diminished lines, and a radiant glow post-class.
 – Altering the mindset in regards to aging blasting the limited beliefs of olding.


Access Energetic Facelift™ Sessions Benefits

The effects of this process are

* Decrease in the appearance

* Lines and wrinkles on the face

* Firmer skin

* Increase in tone of facial muscles

* Healing and reversal of the scarring process

* Younger and more radiant looking skin

* Improved eyesight

* Balancing the hormonal imbalance

* participants have reported increase in the money flows after this workshop.

* Possibilities for your life showing up better than you may have ever imagined!

The Access Energetic Facelift™ involves the use of 33 different energies which initializes and activates the anti ageing energy flow in the body.

The process facilitates clearing blocks in the energy field of the body.

It clears the blocks caused by our emotions and long-term stress.

As these blocks are cleared, the revitalizing and rejuvenating  flow of energy in the body is exponentialized

Access energetic facelift consist of

– No surgical procedures

– No Botox

– No injections

– No creams

– No peels

– No drugs

– No facial exercises

– No known side effects

Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification is a brilliant addition for

– Businesses within the health and wellness industry

– Estheticians

– Beauty therapists

– Massage therapists

– Body workers wishing to expand their clientele.

Stories of Change

This is Dr.dipti patil i am a doctor and a access conciousness practioner i had a great experience with Aarshiya I was looking for facelift class and i choose arshiya just by enrolling for class my money reality changed i started reciving more client during the class it was totally a different class i got faciltation for all my entity issues also This shifted my body and money reality i dont have to worry about anything clients come they bring more clients i m grateful for this shift
Pls do choose her she is a person who can make u a money miracle
Love u arshiya

Dr.Dipti Patil

“Access Counsiouness is just awesome. Thanks to Aarshiya for her session on Access Energetic Facelift.Aarshiya you are a great facilitator.After Iearning facelift from you i feel equipped to do things differently and in more positive ways. It’s been the most liberating and empowering experience and I’ve learnt things that will stay with me forever. I felt more confident and energetic after the sessions. Your sessions were so nicely explained,which can be applied on others easily. Aarshiya you are very skillful and empathic professional in this field. Thanks a ton dear”…..

vaibhav tadaiya

Myself Dr.Nidhi Agrawal has done my foundation with Aarshiya along with my husband Nikhil Agrawal. Aarshiya has been such a great contribution for both of us in shifting the energies of chiaos, to more n more of possibilities everyday with total ease and Joy.We have seen shift in money reality as well as all aspects of our life . Recently I did my energetic facelift class with Aarshiya and has opened my receiving in a such a wonderful way. I n my family after facelifts swaps can see the changes in physical body as well as about receiving myself in more n more joyful ways. Thanks alot Aarshiya for being wonderful contribution.

Dr.NIdhi Agrawal

Modes of payment

Energy Exchange for Energetic facelift INR 31000 (Indian pricing)



Goggle pay

+ 91 99309 64111


Account Number: 50200048694121
IFSC: HDFC0001120
Account Type: CURRENT


Please share the screen shot of the transfer made to initiate the registration process for the class.
Thank you



EMI / Card payment

All the information about Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification on this website may not be construed as an instruction or a medical advice. Moreover, all the content and images are for general purpose only. No action should be taken depending solely upon the contents of this information instead all the readers are requested to have a prior consultation on any matter relating to health and well-being with the concerned professionals. The information about Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification expressed here is meant to be true and does not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information about Access Energetic Facelift™ Certification. I acknowledge the differences in views and welcome its exchanges too.

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