carelist access bar therapy access facelift therapy magicus

Access bars Session

Access bars® foundation® Business

Access bars™set the game of UNLEARNING the LEARNT


What is Access Bars?

Fundamentally, the bars are a sequence of 32 points on the head. These points when lightly touched releases plenty of older energies stuck in morphic field and in the overall cellular memory of the physicality.
There are :
Thoughts, Considerations, Feelings, Ideas, Emotions, Decisions, Judgments, Beliefs stored from across lifetimes that turns the shape of the cell from spherical to elliptical which is the first step to dis-ease.

For example

The Access Bars Therapy , dissipates the electromagnetic charge stored in the brain during a session of  90-120 minutes.

when the light goes off in a house and you flip the circuit , the lights come on.

Similarly, when the bars run, it allows the lights to come on via which a universal energy flow becomes available to the person resulting in more space of ease, joy and glory in life.

When you get your bars run, it unlocks this impact on the cells allowing the cells to return to their more spherical shape facilitating ease in the body.

Another example

Just imagine, if someone could press a switch and mute that voice in a head indicating you that you can’t accomplish what you dream about then, immediately a “voice” comes from those electromagnetic charges which keep you believing that you can easily achieve whatever you dreamt of with complete possibilities.
This is what happens with the “ACCESS BARS” that begin to unlock…the space of being YOU!

Access Energetic Facelift Session

GLOW with the FLOW of Access Energetic Facelift

Is it possible to feel and look younger without injecting botulism, needles, or causing other trauma to your body?


The Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift is an amazing process which can reverse the appearance of aging on the face and can create similar effects throughout the body.

Facelift gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body.
A dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process, the facelift can restore, deepen and quicken the body’s natural revitalizing capacities.

What Is The Access Energetic Facelift?

The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and the entire body.

The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.

While receiving an Access Facelift, many different energies are applied to the body and face, and there are many possibilities to discover what can be released.

What if you could dissipate everything you have judged about your face with ease ?

What recipients have noticed…?

– Lessening of lines, wrinkles, acne, pigmentation

– Improved eye-sight

– Firmness and toning of facial muscles and skin

– Healing and reversal of the scarring process

– Possibilities for your life showing up better than you may have ever imagined!

It’s a hands on process that does not require any external source.

Access bars® foundation® Business

Reverse the DAM(N)AGE

FEEL AS you Heal with body processes

Access bars® foundation® Business


Takes two to Tango

A bouquet of over 40 Access Body Processes(ABP) is simply designed to have total EASE and COMMUNION with the self thats been long lost ,

Out of an individual choice (whether consciously or unconsciously)
Have u been getting thoughts like :
1) Am I here to strut around with a disease ridden body?
2) Why am I over/under weight?
3) Whats happening in my life?
4) Why is there so much struggle? etc etc….
ABP could well be the answer to a million such questions with processes like: –

MTVSS(Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System)

Activates & boosts immune system, relieves joint pain, reversal of terminal diseases (cancer), shifts the chemical/molecular structure of body.

Reverses the effects of physical trauma & scar tissues.

Helps in vision & sinus related problems.

Tri-Fold Sequencing Systems – It works with trauma and drug-induced scenarios

DMMD(De-molecular Manifestation and Molecular De-manifestation)-

Alters any condition from arthritis to tumors,to moles where something extra has grown, or something required is not as abundant as it should be.

Above processes are few to name  to create a dynamic shift in one’s body altering the vibrational frequencies.
A 4 hours tutorial in person makes you eligible to play with these frequencies certifying you to create ease for self and others.

Each of the body processes is run as a hands-on energy that invites the body to begin to heal itself.


Body processes assists in Recovery, Rejuvenation & Longevity of the body with enhanced immunity & optimal functioning,  restoring the damaged cells to its natural state.

Magicus session

What is Magicus ?

Magicus Energy Healing is the ability to play within the field of light and sound codes and use the frequencies to transform the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the human being wanting to be healed.

Magicus Energy Healing should really be called ‘Light-info Exchange’. After all, everything is light and light is information. Once you know how to read and decipher the light codes travelling through the ether, you can be the most extraordinary receptor. Or better yet, the most extraordinary vessel to facilitate the healing of self & another human being.

Magicus is able to manipulate the energy circuits in our physical or subtler bodies to regain balance and facilitate our body’s innate healing mechanisms, by creating the contributing conducive environment.

How does it work ?

Magicus healing to a completely different level, You must experience it to know it.
Magicus Healing takes a holistic approach that looks beyond the physical to manipulating the subtle energy systems (meridians, auric bodies, chakras, nadis) where the cause of the dis-ease & disruption can be located.
Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environment stress, ancestral conditioning, karmic contracts and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.
Magicus facilitates the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy or light flow so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself, beyond the zero-point field.
Magicus Healing can also help identify “issues” before they manifest as pain or similar distortions in the physical body. It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to work through and heal in order to bring our lives into balance and maintain health, harmony and vitality and more importantly, live at a level beyond extraordinary.

Energy is within and around us all the time, but our consciousness enables us to activate it and make it vital. I usually need to reiterate to people that just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t see air, but we know we breathe it to keep us alive. We also can’t see electricity, atoms, electromagnetic fields, sound, radio waves or the weather, yet we can see or hear the indirect results of these in physical form. Everyone’s perception differs and an increasing number of people are able to perceive things using “extra-sensory perception” that others may not. Today, more and more people are able to perceive energy in some way and know it as a very “tangible” phenomenon. Following your intuition is a simple way to start.

Access bars® foundation® Business


Abuse release session

Access bars® foundation® Business

abuse hold to have the real you unfold.

Access Consciousness™Abuse Hold Session

This incredible body process helps to release from the cellular structure of the body any memories, patterns and programs of abuse that it has stored and locked in. Prior to receiving the abuse hold your body requires to clear the conscious elements of the limitations, judgments and fixed points of view which are keeping you stuck.

This is done by listening to the Original clearing the issues of Abuse call by Gary Douglas available here.

The perspectives here may seems quite different and strange but they are designed to put you back as the power in your own life and take you out of powerlessness and victimhood.  This not only assists in freedom of sexual, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse from others but also where you are abusing you. Patterns of abuse can affect all areas of your life, relationships, work, body, money and more.

What is abuse?

Abuse is  not just physical or sexual violence. It is also  verbal abuse (being told off, being criticized, being shouted at, not being praised), financial abuse (where we are habitually told there isn’t the money for things, we’re constantly struggling, and we take in the message that we’re not worthy of good things – and then that’s how we treat ourselves.)

Abuse Hold Session

The abuse hold session consist on two steps:

 * First Step:

You need to listen to The Original Clearing Issues of Abuse MP3 or CD 20-30 times to prepare your body for the abuse hold body process (if you received physical abuse, mental abuse and sexual abuse you may require to listen to the MP3 or CD at least 60 times). If you require any verbal facilitation or Body process to assist you know that I am available to support you through the process… please know that you may require to have a bars session while you are listening to the MP3 or CD to have more ease during this process.

* Second Step:

After listening to The Original Clearing The Issues Of Abuse CD or MP3 you can schedule a session with a certified practitioner to receive the abuse hold body process session. During the session you will lay down on a massage table While the practitioner cradles a recipient  in a close hold from behind to receive the abuse hold body process. it is an extremely nurturing session that helps unlock and clear energy blocks.

life enhancement session

If life be the ice-cream get the most before it melts……

Life facilitation, simply put, aids one to deal with day to day undesired/unpleasant life situations/circumstances on deeper level that if not dealt with may throw one into frenzy causing anxiety, stress, disharmony, imbalances etc. When addressed to, the same may turn into happier, healthier harmonious life.

Oftentimes stated by clients : ” I’m a very POSITIVE person, I do a lot of stuff to keep myself positive and yet feel stuck..!!!”
Why is that so….?
The ANSWER to their query is best understood with below given analogy :

When you want your house to be repainted, what would work better..?
Applying a fresh coat over the existing one or having the old one being scraped off completely first..?

When you see the tiny dents in the wall that’s when it’s to be covered up with base and repainted fresh.
A coat of fresh paint over the old one would have the walls chipped off having cracks seen back in no time.
Similarly, in life when one instead of working upon the cause of existing life issue, chooses to live in denial, tries to keep self, happy and positive on the surface rather than delve deeper into it.

Isn’t this trial tiresome…? An effort in itself…?

My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life from inside out.
After several Life facilitating sessions (as per individual requirement), you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise with total ease, creating only that you truly desire having limitless possibilities show up.

carelist access bar therapy access facelift therapy magicus

life favors when you savor every flavour.

Money Blocks Release Session

Access bars® foundation® Business

is money the honey or you are..?

If you’re interested in having a Money Breakthrough in your life or in an occupation that you own, then this unprecedented opportunity of Money Blocks Release Therapy applies to you.

-How to Break Through to Your Income Level?

-Easily Turn A Profit From Unconscious ‘Money Junk’

-Free Yourself From Debt

-Create more revenue stream

It’s all easy with the Money Blocks Release Therapy with which you can have a smoother “Money in-flows”.
If you are also a victim of a phase where you don’t have an appropriate income source then, again Money Blocks Release Therapy helps  allowing you to have money follow you generating “Healthy Income Source”.
The Money Blocks Release Therapy  is powerful enough to change the money game all together.
Your experience of being in a financial rut changes to abundance turning your money reality around completely.
The money blocks generally arise based on the past conditioning, abreast with the relevant ideologies creating these blocks which lead a person towards the insufficient amount of money & scarcity of it in life.

We are aware of a belief that “Money Comes From Hard Work”… REALLY…? IS THAT TRUE…?
If it was true then mason  must be the richest man on the planet.

Enroll to the Money Blocks Release Therapy with no further ado as the session  will show you the way TO WORK SMART RATHER THAN HARD.

Emotional Freedom Counseling

Emotional Freedom Techniques is the self-empowering methods to a human life.
Most of the methods have shown via clinical trials that EFT is able to safely reduce emotions that contribute to the distress and disease.
It is an obvious fact that an emotional trauma is a major contributing factor to disease which can be cured easily by Emotional Freedom Counselling Services in allowing both the mind and body to begin rebalancing itself with required facilitation.

What is EFT good for?

The advantages of Emotional Freedom Counselling Services in are listed as follows:

– Relieves Anxiety
– Relieves Fears
– Relieves Phobias
– Relieves Trauma
– Relieves Post-Traumatic & Stress Disorder
– Relieves Grief
– Relieves Anger
– Relieves Guilt
– Enhance performance
– Improve relationships

Alongside this, the Emotional Freedom Counselling Services also help in improving relationships by reducing the emotional upset that one may have towards anyone or a partner.

Access bars® foundation® Business

Tap away the crap !!!

Relationship Counselling

Access bars® foundation® Business

Relation with elation

Is your relationship joyous, fulfilling & empowering?
Are you seeking a helping hand for smoother relationship functioning?

As the term RELATIONSHIP itself suggests, how you relate to/with a person/thing/situation etc. in a given time is what describes your association with it.
YES, you heard right, there’s a relationship with everything/every person that has significance in your life….eg: you have a relationship with your work/business/occupation too.

It all starts with YOU. How is your relationship with SELF…?

Ever wondered
what it looks like?
what can you do to keep it healthy and palpable?

In reality, there will always be moments you have little or no control over, but, what you can always control is how you react to those moments… really, do you need to react ? ? ?
With my Relationship Facilitation sessions, you’ll learn about responses and how to assert your POWER OF CHOICE over whatever life may throw at you.

Reclaim your power to EMPOWER your relationships in a one on one session or learning the skills in a 4 hour power-packed workshop blasting the point of views with clearings.

If any of the reason is present in your life acting as an obstacle in its path then, you will be assisted with the Relationship Healing Counselling .
Ameliorate all forms of your relationships be it with your father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, friends or any form of a relationship including with your spouse.
Moreover, have the finest marriage and relationship counseling tool especially for a couple who desire to interact better, resolve conflicts, deepen their level of intimacy and enjoy a lasting partnership.
Besides, being a Relationship Counsellor, you can confidently share and discuss your concerns with me as a therapist that you can confide in.
I shall always guide, support and coach you and your partner as well in how to gain more trust and respect from one another when it comes to partner or intimate couple relationship.

Key Issues

The issues that lead people to seek a Relationship Healing Counselling  usually involves a breakdown in communication about:

Couples Therapy: Relationship issues lack of desire & communion between the partner acts as a road block.

Hence, allow me to guide you through which you can take your relationship on a progressive track with honoring and understanding for each other.

Reconnective Healing

Re-connective Healing is an Energy, Light and Information of our planet,

contributing to an enhancement of human’s health, balance, and quality of life.

Re-connective Healing

– It promotes one’s ability to heal oneself
– It also impacts the lives of others
– Comprised of an inclusive spectrum of energy, light and information.
– Encompass the energy systems
– Accessible without complicated steps
– Can be learned by everyone

I provide the services of Re-connective Healing Therapy in individual sessions.
Re-connective Healing is not only a form of therapy or treatment instead, its a change in a person, healing his/her life eliminating limitations.


My way of rendering the Reconnective Healing Therapy acts as a source of one being wholesome in life.
With such therapy, a person begins to emit more coherent levels of light abreast to the flow as a result of which the life progresses.

– A relationship becomes easier
– Work challenge disappears
– Vibration interaction
– You become a catalyst for change
– A new perspective on a circumstance with which you have been struggling

reconnect with the deflect

Energy(CHI) Balancing

Everything in the universe is made up of the electromagnetic vibrations.
 The presence of the electromagnetic field in layers in an around human body is a vital life force energy available to human beings.
I do provide the services of Energy (CHI) Balancing Therapy  that helps to relieve all forms of the body imbalances involving therapeutic techniques.
The Energy (CHI) Balancing Therapy is fruitful and often affects all the aspects of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Book a Session

Please call or whatsapp us on +91 99309 64111 to confirm session availability and energy exchange for session before making payment. 


All the information on this website may not be construed as an instruction or a medical advice. Moreover, all the content and images are only for general purpose onl No action should be taken depending solely upon the contents of this information instead all the readers are requested to prior consultation on any matter relating to health and well-being. The information expressed here are meant to be true and do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information I acknowledge the differences in views and welcome its exchanges too.

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