chasing the butterfly


Chasing happiness, are you?

It is the most pertinent chase in current times.

It is like an ever-fleeting butterfly that you have decided you have got to run after.

Butterfly perches on when relaxed and least expected.

Happiness is in (that) big thing if I have that just once.

Happiness is at another place if I get to go there once.

Happiness is…..

Happiness elsewhere is a continuous distraction from being rooted where you are in the moment.

The happiness elsewhere syndrome is where you tend to loop in, Remaining clueless about where you are and what it brings in.

The life available to you at that moment sighs untouched.

That is the wavering state of Consciousness.

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In the objectified world of social media hogging & consumerism, a consciousness of life remains way more elusive due to the lack of connection given to perennial boredom, dissatisfaction, and loss of interest in life, bordering on illusionary existence laced with self-defeating & depressive thoughts.

To overcome the trail of depressive thoughts, you may want to try an Access Bars session.

To Know more(click here)

I want to be this

I want to have that

I want this to be that

I want that to be right here and precisely like this.

The need to control happiness is not the way to live happily.

Control is something you are bred in, from the time you have opened your eyes.

The exercised controlled way of living is inherent as much as incongruent.

It is the Pursuance of the need to get your life RIGHT.

Happiness is a flow of energy in motion with the absence of judgement.

That is why it is E-MOTION(energy in motion).

Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Grief are emotions too.

How much of you is stifling and struggling with the list above in the name of negative emotions?

Do you want to bypass it at all costs chasing what is elusive at the moment, HAPPINESS?

What if you were to know that the elusive will find you once you do not avoid the contingents?

Instead, ASK

what needs to be addressed here without bypassing the apparent.

Always needing a happy living is that space of dissociation, zero engagement with self, life and the environment to engage with the chase that appears endless.

What is the madness about to reach elsewhere?

Well, not many of you would want to question that too.

That question can spin the wheel of your life in the direction that works for you.

Allow me to have you peek into the real thing you are craving.

It is called EASE OF LIVING with everything as if you JIVE IN.

The ideal living on the planet never was about upscaled living to seek happiness.

But joyous living in every way.

It’s known as BLISS.

All-encompassing living is something to be learnt as you descend here.

On the contrary, you’re laden with the polarity programmes implanted as a way of RIGHTEOUS living that constitutes malware & malfunctioning.

The simplest way to have ease with the self and life can be by WITNESSING the moment of life AS IS, which makes the vibrations go higher, Organically.

What infusion of conciousness in business/corporates can lead to ?

To know more (click here)

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