Lighten The Living

How does one do that when it’s never been shown as an example of living.

With your first breathe into the world, you become part of the programming system that consists of little to NO choice being presented to you.

CHOICE demarcates as a privilege in life when its as basic as breathing.

As young ones there is no education given on how choosing can simplify the living & readily available at all times that too plethora of it.

CHOICE almost becomes a luxury and a tough position that seems like can’t be handled for there isn’t a reference or a manual on “ HOW TO CHOOSE THAT WORKS FOR YOU”

Choice as something unknown is mostly referred as confusion & comes across as easy to give up than dwell & sail beyond to achieve what would light up your life.

Pressure as a connotation is a built up & accumulation that restricts the free flow of energy which assists lightness of living.

Pressure eliminates the capacity to choose, unallowing to look into any other possibility that is available wearing the horse blinkers.

The human living system assumed as an unaltered running programme for centuries runs deep in the veins for NO different programme that can work better has been introduced.

It requires to have an inherent knowing that something more functional as a system is available that would reset the life & can be installed at FREEWILL with the potent capacity of CHOICE.

CHOICE isn’t a luxury available to few but a pre-requisite of enhanced living for humans.

CHOICE PRECEDES everything about your existence.

Access Consciousness Bars Certification as a complete reset & de-frag method has a potency to interrupt the obsolete limiting programme deleting the redundant files your automated life’s been running on so far & NO MORE WORKING.

Upcoming Access Bars Certification & Practitioners Workshop in MUMBAI & PUNE on 8th & 22nd August 2021 respectively.

— By
Aarshiya Seyth

CF / JCF (Access counciousness)

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