JAYANTILAL PATEL Businessman, Raipur

हमने एक्सेस बार के बारे मे सुना देखा पर जबतक हमने उसे नही आजमाया हमने नही माना.आर्शिया सेठ का मै धन्यवाद करना चाहूँगा कि उन्होंने हमे एक्सेस बार से अवगत कराया और हमे हमारे जीवन मे नये पंख दिये । जीवन को देखने के नये आयाम का पता चला. अब जीवन एक खेल जैसा हो गया । नई दिशाएं भौतिक एवम् आध्यात्मिक यात्रा तथा स्वास्थ, एवम् सम्बन्धों में खुल गयी।
ज्यादा ताजगी पूर्ण ,आनन्द दायक जीवन जिसकी एक कल्पना थी जो आज हम जी रहे है। व्यक्तित्व में एक जादुई ऊर्जा का संचार हर कोई महसूस कर रहा है। हमारे जीवन जीने की शैली बहूत ही होश पूर्ण हो गयी ,आत्मविश्वास में तो गजब ही हो गया . Miracle मे हम जी रहे है।Thanx to accessbarअब हमे लग रहा है की जीवन आपके चुनाव का नतीजा है । और बेहतरी के लिए कैसे चुनाव करे ये एक्सेस बार सिखाता है खेल खेल मे ।मज़ा आ गया,शानदार ,जबरदस्त ,जिंदाबाद,1 no.जब तक मनुष्य स्वयं को बाहरी हालातों के द्वारा नियंत्रित प्राणी मानता रहेगा तब तक परिस्थितियों के थपेड़े खाता रहेगा । परन्तु जब उसे अहेसास होगा की उसमे सृजनात्मक शक्ति है अपने अस्तित्व मे छिपी मिट्टी और बीज को ऐसा आदेश दे सकती है जिसमें से परिस्थितयां निर्मित होती है-तब सही मायने मे वो मालिक बनता है। access conciousness एक विधि एक जीवन शैली जिससे आप अपनी मालकियत कि घोषणा कर सकते हो परमात्मा या प्रकृति कहें, सबको सम्राट की तरह भेजा है, पर अज्ञानता के कारण हम मेसे अधिकतर दुःख पीड़ा चुनके बैठे हैं और परमात्मा को दोष देते हैं । जो भी मित्र् अपने मे बदलाव चाहते है उनके लिए ये श्रेष्ठ विधि है। धन्यवाद

POOJA SHIRASI Tarot reader/astrologer

I was on the fence about whether I should do the class on Access Bars or not for over 6 months (since I have been practicing many other energy modalities) and I finally let my instinct take over and went ahead with it. Doing the class on Access Bars has been such a life transforming event for me. If you have any doubts please eliminate them because it is going to be an experience you will thank yourself for all your life. Aarshiya has been an excellent facilitator and the class was so much fun. Access Consciousness brought in a deep shift within me and as an amazing side effect suddenly my income shot up after the class. I am beginning to experience myself as an infinite being that I truly am and be.Do yourself a favour and take the plunge into the amazing world of Access Bars!!!!

POOJA SHRIVASTAV Writer(entertainment industry)

Access Bar sessions has been an experience of a life time for me. When I started off with the sessions , i was going through various physical problems, belief issues. to be honest there was not much of a change in physical state after 5-6 double sessions. my blood sugar levels was rising constantly and drastically but yes what was miraculous was the change from within, as a person, i started to become much more confidence, the negative approach towards life changed into a positive one . i started to realize the power that lies within me, certain fears started to change into courage. slowly and steadily physical health also started to improve and i realized the power of healing.Thanks Aarshiya ! for the sessions!



2 years back I moved to pune for my graduation. I was studying fashion designing. Everything was fine until one day I had a severe backache because of which I could not continue with my further studies as I wasn’t able to do any sought of machine work. After that I had an accident and was hospitalised and again had an injury on my back. I had to leave the college as I couldn’t cope up with my studies . I was in severe depression. My mom dad brought me back home. I was under psychiatric treatment for 3 months . I use to stay in my room all day long. Dont use to talk to anyone. My hands and legs used to shiver all the time . I had lost all my confidence and was not sure what to do with my life. Then my father made me attend this workshop on access bars. After the first sitting only I felt very relaxed . After that I took 2 personal sittings with Aarsiya di. It really helped me come out of depression. Aarsiya di told my dad not to give me any kind of medicines from then. And it really made a difference. My hands and legs dont shiver anymore. Now I dont just sit in one room. I joined music and dance classes to keep myself busy . I now interact with new people. Try and keep myself occupied and dont think about my past. I am a whole new person now.


Hi Aarshiya,

First of all Thanks a lot. I am really not getting words to share the experiences I am having after receiving a session of Access Consciousness from you exactly a week before.I have not made or achieved any wonders in these last seven days, but surely experiencing a drastic change in me, still the surroundings being the same.
Have got back my confidence of making the things work for me and surely have headed towards them with the first step which was not been put forward since last so many years.
The wonder this session did to me is offloading my mind and my body, with all the unwanted luggage which I was carrying unknowingly since so long. As today, I feel really very clear in my thoughts and surely don’t have a burden of anything back of mind.
Feeling so rejuvenated and relaxed in doings the same things which were like mountains for me before this session. It have loaded me with a tremendous energy which I have feeling it around me from the time the session completed and till now its helping in the same way it did at the time of the session. Above all, the pain in my both feet which was there since last 1 year is almost gone.
Its hardly 10 % left.
Great Therapy !!!
Really will like to learn more about this and take these kind of sessions from you as many as possible.

SONAL BALBIR (Tarot card reader/angel therapist) Mumbai

Hi..i m sonal from mumbai..i learnt access bars from aarshiya seyth four months back..it ws a time when i really was caught up in certain stressful sithations..mostly financial..i din hv money even to attend aarshiyas wkrkshop ..aarshiya ws really kind to send me a few clearings..i read it with full faith..jus in an hour i gt news of my loan getting passed n d money ws arranged!!!!!….i also took personal sessions with her afterwhich i saw improvement in my relationships too ……my marriage got arranged with my bf very smoothly without any obstacles..personally..i felt it raised my consciousness and made my vibes really positive..i really thank universe for givin me dis wonderful miraculous tool through arshiya..thanks a million..

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